
Creativity engages the mind

Beach School is a completely new and unforgettable way for children to immerse themselves in the wonders of the ocean, rivers and coastlines. We aim to improve the knowledge of their local coastal environment by connecting them with nature; opening their eyes to this amazing world and inspiring them to care about the future of our earth.

We explore various beaches, rivers and coastlines. A favourite pastime is crabbing and this is a great way to see creatures up close and in their natural environment. We teach kindness and respect for sea-life and learn interesting facts by looking up information in various books available to the children at the beach. We explore rockpools and tidal lines for starfish, hermit crabs, Mermaid Purses (Shark egg cases), Anemones, shrimps, sea urchins, mussels, periwinkles etc. Each creature has a story to tell and we explain through storytelling to engage the children in their finds.

Creativity engages the mind
Explore and Learn

Explore and Learn

Sometimes we visit the RNLI Lifeboat stations or Coastguards www.rnli.org and have a look around and learn what the crew get up to out on a rescue, try on their clothing and ask lots of questions? It is always very informative and teaches safety and respect for the sea and also the important role that the lifeboat crews provide 24 hrs a day in the UK.

The children love beach sports and we play cricket, volleyball, football, rugby, boules, long jump, swimming races, obstacles races, crawling races ..... they get quite creative!!

Fossil Hunting at The Naze in Walton is one the favourite days out. We always find shark teeth and then visit the visitors centre at The Naze Nature Discovery Centre www.essexwt.org.uk/nature-reserves/naze to get them identified and usually find they date back 50 million years!!! Once the children know what they are looking for, you can pretty much guarantee an historic find.

Friendship & Education

Treasure hunting doesn't end there, Sea glass and beach glass, which often have the appearance of tumbled stones, is physically and chemically weathered glass found on beaches and the children enjoy collecting different shapes and colours. Sea glass is well regarded as a symbol of renewal and healing, a metaphor for life.

We learn about the environment and how we can protect it. We undertake mini beach cleans during our days at the beach and learn how we can be more environmentally friendly by recycling and upcycling in our everyday lives.

We learn how to act responsibly and behave at the beach and be aware of the changing weather with the different seasons and tidal changes.

Friendship & education
What if I fall

What if I fall

The Essex Coast has many ships and boats and we like to identify them using an App called VesselFinder and this tells us where the boat originates, it's destination, its size and often cargo - always fascinating and informative.

Children of all ages can benefit from Mindfulness at the beach. It promotes happiness and relieves stress. We undertake several activities that develop compassion, curiosity, focus and empathy and mindfulness can be fun. Children often sit and read a fact finding book, lay down and cloud spot as well as just shutting our eyes and listening not only to the ocean waves, but the sounds of the seaside.

Beach School encourages creative thinking and problem solving by just exploring and enjoying themselves. Children develop a love of nature and become environmentally empathetic adults.

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