
How Does Plastic Harm the Environment?

The ocean is a mirror that reflects what is in our town and city streets. Rain, flash flooding or high winds washes litter and debris into drains, streams, rivers, and eventually into the ocean. When it gets there depends on how far from the ocean you live. Plastic does not decompose; instead, it breaks down into tiny microplastics and harmful chemicals. These enter the water supply, and then the digestive tracts of humans and animals, threatening our water quality, our health, and wildlife.

Plastic in the Ocean Facts

Plastic pollution stretches from shorelines and the ocean surface to deep in the seabed. Only a tiny percentage of 100s of millions of tons produced each year is recycled. Every bit of plastic ever produced in our world, is still in the planet today!!

Millions of marine animals have died from plastic pollution in oceans.

Every year, between ten and twenty million tons of plastic waste escape into oceanic waters.

By the year 2050, the ocean is projected to have more plastic by weight than fish.

Get Involved

We organise regular litter picks in the Essex towns, cities and beaches.

Join our newsletter or get in touch to find out how you can join in.

We are also always looking for volunteers to help with beach school explorers and spread the word about our wonderful coastline and how we can protect it!


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